DC44191 – More AWS Security Ramblings

As the world (or at least, myself) begins to emerge from Lockdown, in-person events are returning. For me, this was initiated with an excellent trip to Manchester, experiencing Matillion’s Super All Hands gathering, meeting with new colleagues that had until that point merely been faces on a collage of Zoom tiles. As part of the […]

AWS HoneyUsers

Deception technology and techniques are having a resurgence, expanding beyond the ‘traditional’ high/low- interaction honeypots, into honeyfiles, honeytokens and (as you may have guessed from title) honeyusers. Today is the culmination of a “what if?” idea I’d been thinking for years, actually started working on earlier in the year (but then 2020 happened), but is […]

Bad workmen – a Terraform Lambda deployment story

You know the old adage of “a bad workman blames their tools”? Well, guilty as charged… When I built my AWS-cardspotter project with Terraform, the main goal was to learn Terraform, which I had no/limited/not-enough experience with at the time. Looking back at that initial deployment (it’s awful, please don’t judge me, or use as […]

AWS CLI – MFA with aws-vault – making it seamless

Oooof! That’s a long title, but I realised after last post (did you miss last episode? catchup here) that whilst the post covered all the technical requirements for getting aws-vault operational, it missed some steps to truly integrate with your current workflows, without introducing additional cycle. So without additional pre-amble, introducing…… credential_process=…. As it’s name […]

AWS Cloud Deployment Toolkit

After posting previously about dipping my toe in the Infrastructure as Code waters with Terraform, a kind individual (who requested staying nameless) asked if I’d encountered AWS’ native Cloud Deployment Toolkit (CDK). I vaguely remember seeing a Beta announcement sometime back when the toolkit was first announcement, but had discounted at the time as it […]

Cowrie SSH Honeypot – AWS EC2 build script

Happy New Year all! Whilst eating FAR too much turkey and chocolates over the festive break, I’ve managed to progress a couple of personal projects on (between stints on the kids’ Scalectrix track, thanks Santa). Still tasks to do(*), but a working EC2 User-Data script to build to automate deployment Cowrie honeypot has reached MVP […]