AWS CLI – MFA with aws-vault – making it seamless

Oooof! That’s a long title, but I realised after last post (did you miss last episode? catchup here) that whilst the post covered all the technical requirements for getting aws-vault operational, it missed some steps to truly integrate with your current workflows, without introducing additional cycle. So without additional pre-amble, introducing……


As it’s name may imply, the credential_process directive is added to the standard .aws/credentials file to tell AWS clients/SDKs how to generate the requested credentials on the fly rather than hardcoding key-pairs into the .aws/credentials file (remember: hardcoded, clear-test credentials ==BAD).

What does this look like in practice? If you’ve been following along, you’ll have seen that I have a demo environment with a profile infosanitydemo, and that to access the temporal credentials generated by aws-vault, I’d shown passing the command I wanted to run as a given user/role to the aws-vault binary. Like so:

>aws-vault exec infosanity-demo aws sts get-caller-identity
Enter token for arn:aws:iam::<redacted>:mfa/infosanity_demo: 858178
    "UserId": "AIDA<redacted>",
    "Account": "<redacted>",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::<redacted>:user/infosanity_demo"

This works, but I promised integration with your existing, non-aws-vault-aware workloads; you don’t really want the extra finger workouts for typing aws-vault exec $profile in front of every command requiring AWS credentials. [Profile] blocks are common components of the .aws/credentials file, and if you’ve already got hardcoded key pairs, this is where you’d find them with aws_secret_access-key config lines. If you’ve confirmed that aws-vault is configured and working (the above sts get-caller-identity call is perfect for testing), then replace your current hardcoded keys with similar to:

credential_process = aws-vault exec infosanity-demo --json

It really is that simple. Now, the next time an AWS client/SDK/etc attempts to use your profile, it will trigger aws-vault in the background, providing the particular script/runtime/etc. with temporary keys, without the tool needing to change for, even be aware of, the integration with aws-vault keeping your actuall AWS key pairs much safer (or non-existent if you’re using role assumption, which I’d recommend).

N.B. this isn’t just for aws-vault, if you manage your AWS secrets via a different method, credential_process will still provide the capabilities described with any utility that is able to provide AWS credentials in the expected format. Truly powerful.

Now, reverting back to the native cli tool works flawlessly….

> aws --profile infosanity-demo sts get-caller-identity
Enter MFA code for arn:aws:iam::<redacted>:mfa/infosanity_demo: 
    "UserId": "AROA<redacted>:botocore-session-1606155746",
    "Account": "<redacted>",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::<redacted>:assumed-role/infosanity-demo-test-role/botocore-session-1606155746"

No more (well, less) excuses for hardcoding AWS keypairs and (potentially) leaving them in backups, git commits, etc. – because that would be embarrassing….


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