Several days of playing working with the raw data and a couple of intermediate scripts (csv & mysql) have paid off. I’m now ready to release the first version of Infosanity‘s Nepenthes log parser. This utility is substantially larger than my previous two releases (although still small) so I’ll not include source code here, head […]
Category archives: Python
Utility script in a similar vein to, the script reads Nepenthes’ logged_submissions file from stdin and dumps the information into a MySQL database table. Initially this serves the same purpose as it’s CSV counterpart, importing the date into system with powerful search and filter functionality. However this may be useful if wanting to work […]
Whenever I’m analysing large amounts of data I prefer to start the analysis within a spreadsheet as I find the built in capabilities invaluable for some quick and dirty data diving. This typically allows for a good overall understanding of the data set and available statistics without spending time coding before the required statistics are […]