Whenever I’m analysing large amounts of data I prefer to start the analysis within a spreadsheet as I find the built in capabilities invaluable for some quick and dirty data diving. This typically allows for a good overall understanding of the data set and available statistics without spending time coding before the required statistics are fully understood. A prime example of this was the data I analysed from wireless connections. In this scenario the existing tools are very helpful, airodump-ng’s standard output format is csv, making importing the captured data to a spreadsheet straight forward.
Unfortunately, the same ease of data transfer is not available when working with the logs generated by Nepenthes. To aid this I’ve coded a small python script to read the logged_submissions log file and output the interesting data in .csv format. Admittedly the script is nothing special and can likely be improved on as my coding skills are a bit rusty, but this may be useful to others, or provide a starting point in similar situations.
(n.b. apologises for the rendering, I’m working on it. In meantime cut&paste is the quick and dirty way to view all code.)
UPDATE: Code downloadable from InfoSanity

#!/usr/bin/pythonimport sys
## Reads Nepenthes logged_submissions file and outputs data as comma-seperated value## Typical usage:#   cat logged_submissions | > outputfile.csv## Author: Andrew Waite (aka RoleReversal)#
#write 'headers to stdout'sys.stdout.write("Date,Time,Source IP Address,Malware Source,Malware MD5\n")
#read from stdinwhile 1: line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line:         break
 logData = line.split(' ');
 timestamp = logData[0].strip('[]') date = timestamp.split('T')[0] time = timestamp.split('T')[1] sourceIP = logData[1] sourceMalware = logData[4] malwareMD5 = logData[5]
 out = "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %(date, time, sourceIP, sourceMalware, malwareMD5) sys.stdout.write(out)

Hopefully some will find this useful. More nepenthes statistics to come.
Andrew Waite
P.S. thanks to and O’Reilly for providing good on-line references used in the coding of this tool.

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