Kippo SVN build

This morning I cause myself a problem. Annoyingly it was foreseeable and avoidable, this is my excuse (not great, but I’ll stick to it). But as every problem is merely an opportunity in disguise whist I’m re-building systems I might as well document the process. The original InfoSanity guide for installing Kippo was based off of the latest stable version, but I rapidly migrated to the development SVN on learning of the MySQL logging capabilities, so this guide covers that.
As I’m using a Debian system a lot of the system pre-requisites are packaged, this aren’t all needed immediately but we might as well grab them all at once.

apt-get install subversion #for svn
apt-get install python-twisted python-mysqldb # Python and required modules
apt-get install mysql-server #

Basic Kippo setup
Grab Kippo direct from svn, at time of writing I got version 160. (latest instructions):

svn checkout /opt/kippo-svn

Now we can start the honeypot system:


That’s it, all that is required to get the system running. To confirm you can ssh locally with ssh -p2222 root@, unless you’ve jumped ahead and edited the config, password will be 123456.
Log into MySQL via commanline, assuming you’ve not modified the kippo.cfg database directives build the database:

create database kippo;
grant all on kippo.* to ‘kippo’@’localhost’ identified by ‘secret’;

Next edit the kippo.cfg accordingly you database/user/password and uncomment the [database] configuration directives. REMEBER to uncomment ;[database] line not just the parameters, that has now caught me out twice.
Finally, build the database structure with the script that can be found in <kippo>/doc/sql/:

doc/sql/# mysql -ukippo -psecret kippo < mysql.sql

Restart your Kippo process and you should be good; re-test access to the shell and view the database tables to confirm that logs are being written to the database.
Happy Honeypotting
–Andrew Waite

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    1. Oh… and when editing kippo.cfg don’t forget to uncomment ‘[database]’ – I’ve lost 25 sessions… that’s what you get when you fall asleep working :/

    2. I’ve actually had this running for a little under 2 days and have already had two people try and connect! one was really funny to watch, they wget some tools, and i had a laugh watching them try to make a user and have to put in a “favorite movie”.
      The second person connected and then disconnected right after, but got stuck in the fake localhost prompt, and then quit out… awesome stuff haha!
      I got the ajaxterm up and running on my webserver (as the same limited user that runs the honeypot) and i created a basic php script that automatically lists the logs on my server.. check it out

      1. Nice work! Just watched the first capture, always good for a laugh.
        Couldn’t see anything on your blog, any chance you could write-up process for get the ajaxterm running? It’s been on my to-do list for a while (and know others who are looking at the same thing), a decent install guide would be useful.

        1. yeah definitely! i’ll get it up sometime this week.. i have heavily modded the file to make it more secure so i’ll zip that up and post it as well

      2. Nice work Dave, just had a read through and sounds nice and easy. Now know what I’ll be doing next time I get some free lab time 😉
        Cheers for sharing with the rest of us.

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