Updated wardrive rig

This post should be short and sweet as Dale beat me to the punch with an excellent write up of wardriving with BT4. Thanks to some back and forth advice, Dale’s hardware setup is also nearly identical to mine so I wont repeat anything he’s already published. But his post did push me to stop abandoning my wireless kit and update my tools.
The primary change is that I’m now running BT4, rather than BT3; still from a bootable USB drive created via Unetbootin. This provides easy access to the vastly updated Kismet Newcore, Mike Kershaw has done some wonderful work with this release. I’ve found Newcore to be vastly simpler to run than previous Kismet versions, primarily as you can now add additional source interfaces to the setup from the console client itself, rather than needing to modify the config files with some archaic black magic.
Also included within BT4’s toolset is Jabra’s excellent giskismet utility, this provides the same functionality (and more) as my previous kismet2gmapstatic attempts. Since I started development on my home brew tools I’ve had several people point me toward giskismet, wish they’d done so beforehand as it would have saved me some (now defunct) development time. I fully intend to go into more depth with giskismet’s capabilities in a seperate post once I’ve fully got to grips with it as my initial opinion is that this tool is great, so watch this space.
I’ve got the wireless bug again, so if you see a car with plenty of USB cables going through the passenger window be sure to say hi!
Andrew Waite

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