DC44191 – More AWS Security Ramblings

As the world (or at least, myself) begins to emerge from Lockdown, in-person events are returning. For me, this was initiated with an excellent trip to Manchester, experiencing Matillion’s Super All Hands gathering, meeting with new colleagues that had until that point merely been faces on a collage of Zoom tiles. As part of the […]

Automating infrastructure code audits with tfsec

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’ll know a few things about the Cloud: Functionality and capabilities released by Cloud vendors are expanding at an exponential rate. DevOps paradigm is (seemingly) here to stay – the several cold days of building physical hardware sat on the floor of a […]

AWS HoneyUsers

Deception technology and techniques are having a resurgence, expanding beyond the ‘traditional’ high/low- interaction honeypots, into honeyfiles, honeytokens and (as you may have guessed from title) honeyusers. Today is the culmination of a “what if?” idea I’d been thinking for years, actually started working on earlier in the year (but then 2020 happened), but is […]

A Northern Geek's Trip South – 2019 edition

How time flies; and with it, another BSides London is a long distant memory. My itinerary for the pilgrimage South was familiar, mostly following a well worn pattern InfoSec Europe Tuesday BSides itself Wednesday Thursday? Recovery time in the capital, before heading for the train back to (my) civilised society. And throughout: a generous smattering […]

Google Glass: New threat or business as usual?

Woke this morning to find several articles covering the release of a short script designed to locate and ultimately block wearers of Google Glass from accessing a wireless network. This was apparently released in response to someone else’s discomfort from knowing there was a wearer of Google Glass in an audience, mostly due to the recording/stream capabilities. […]