DC44191 – More AWS Security Ramblings

As the world (or at least, myself) begins to emerge from Lockdown, in-person events are returning. For me, this was initiated with an excellent trip to Manchester, experiencing Matillion’s Super All Hands gathering, meeting with new colleagues that had until that point merely been faces on a collage of Zoom tiles. As part of the […]

Expert speaker session at Northumbria University

Last week I had the pleasure of being asked to speak at Northumbria University, presenting to students of the Computer Forensics and Ethical Hacking for Computer Security programmes. As I graduated from Northumbria a few years ago it was interesting to come back to see some familiar faces and have a look at how the […]

May Supermondays Presentation – Video Evidence

I jumped the gun slightly when I said previously that there was no recording of my talk, the camera managed to catch the first 2+ minutes of the presentation. Just enough time for a brief overview of the intention behind honeypot systems. Direct Link. The rest of the Super Mondays event was recorded more successfully. […]